The Occultaria of Albion Vol 1 - Melwerther Hall
Writer Richard Daniels and illustrator Melody Phelan-Clark bring to you Volume 1 of The Occultaria of Albion, a part work series recovered and re-published for inquisitive and exploratory minds!
For this instalment, The O.A heads to Melwerther Hall – on the surface a typical community hall with whist drives and scout meetings, but there is something far more sinister going on. There is bad energy in the very fabric of the building. Read all about its dark history, a history which includes satanism and sorcery! The Occultaria Of Albion uncovers and examines the strangest and most sinister case files, in its ongoing quest to inform and entertain.
Written by author and performer Richard Daniels, and designed and illustrated by Melody Phelan-Clark, The Occultaria of Albion is a fictitious and famed part work magazine series devoted to the weird and unusual.
This sixteen page, full colour Zine is printed professionally on 130gsm satin paper and posted within 1-3 business days via Royal Mail postage services.
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This zine is included in our 3 for £12 offer - https://www.occultariaofalbion.co.uk/product/3-oa-zines-for-12-pounds