Dark Addendums: The Contactee

Dark Addendums: The Contactee


The Dark Addendum collection takes locations from the Case File series and explores an event which took place there in more depth. Like a bedtime story for the chronically strange. It might terrify you. It might even entertain you…

The Contactee
(Location: A2358, Case File No.5)

A young woman finally decides to confront her UFO experience when she is invited to take part in a research programme at the local university - but does it provide answers to what actually happened to her or just reopen the door to an otherworldly encounter. What did happen on the A2358?

Another tale from the Occultaria of Albion
'We have manipulated your theta waves so that you can remain calm and more accepting than you might normally be.'

A5, 18pgs
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Dark Addendums: The Contactee Image 2 Dark Addendums: The Contactee Image 3
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